Strategic Consulting
To adapt to the fast-changing business environment, trailblazing firms are utilizing novel and pragmatic strategies. Our Strategic Consulting encapsulates years of customer and industry expertise into tailored counsel that will help your firm not only prosper but also successfully embrace industry upheavals.

Competence Center Advisory
- Companies must create increasingly complex and sophisticated IT infrastructures for their business operations to evolve in line with strategy expectations and achieve market success. Large corporations are no longer the only ones who must operate and develop numerous technology and software elements, the management of which necessitates specialised knowledge and skills.
The financial success of a company is jeopardised if it lacks an organisational and operational model for Competence Centers, and if the applied processes and material environment (hardware, software, and applications) are out of sync.
Together with our knowledge, our SAP Competence Center Advisory service will help you to satisfy the standards and function at the maximum level possible. We assist you in designing, forming, and developing your company's Competence Center, and if necessary, we provide frequent feedback so you can determine if your firm is following the model you intended.
We recommend this service to all those companies that:
- Have arrived at a point in their evolution where establishing an up-to-date Competence Center is unavoidable.
- They already have an SAP Competence Center but are unhappy with its efficiency.
- Would like to know how their company's growth affects the Competence Center's operations.
Deployment Governance
- If a company's excellent strategy and IT operate in tandem, it might abandon its current organisational architecture and embark on a new development route. Is it possible for a firm's IT infrastructure to react to changes as quickly as management takes decisions about, say, buying out a company or expanding into a foreign country? Exceptionally rare. Why is it the case? It's because, in most cases, a company's development strategy isn't tied to the philosophy that underpins application systems. As a result, when a decision is made, the IT department will encounter significant hurdles before being able to adjust to the managers' decisions.
With our services, we can assist you in designing a model that allows you to deploy your application systems in other companies and units with the least amount of work, speed, and flexibility feasible, right from the start of their development. The expansion, or roll-out, is not a conventional operation because it necessitates maximum efficiency in a setting where multiple business cultures collide. Our professional team and project managers, on the other hand, will contribute to the success of these roll-outs.
Our roll-out program management services are recommended to all those companies that:
- Are in the process of developing their application system, and their business strategy predicts rapid growth in the future.
- Have recently made the decision to incorporate new organisations into their existing systems.
- Are considering deploying their application systems within or outside the company.
Technology Research and Development
- In today's IT world, no organisation can be sure that it will be able to keep up with changes on its own or that it will be able to assess and evaluate all the possible outcomes and good economic implications of these changes.
The same may be said for the business application market. Even better prospects emerge when we consider the development and mutual effects of various software markets on one another and the potential of cross-application – for example, with the integration of Internet and business application technologies.
The solution, we believe, lies in the collaboration of a corporation's IT management and an IT specialist firm, who can map the possibilities of applying such innovations to business operations together.
Techwave has been a leader in the research of such business applications, as well as the design, development, and testing of software content tailored to diverse industrial needs or special business situations, since its inception.
We make our innovation capabilities available to other firms and partners through pilot projects and development programmes that assist organisations in identifying and testing the technologies and solutions that will best support them in achieving their strategic objectives.
System and authorization Audit
Would you like to be assured that the data derived from your IT system is 100% accurate, authentic, and reliable?We often hear complaints from leaders whose company uses an SAP R/3 system that the accuracy and reliability of their system are questionable. It may be helpful to know whether there are real problems behind these complaints; in fact, these managers' fear is unfounded.
Our SAP system and authorization audit service may give a satisfactory answer to the question above.
If you apply for this service, we will do a full-scale audit of your SAP system according to the following criteria:
- The application's design and structure,
- The system's technological background,
- The degree of user education,
- The system's integrity in terms of access privileges,
- The system's operational security
We pay special attention to problematic areas. If necessary, we call the client's attention to the possible anomalies and propose solutions to amend the problems.
IT Funding and Financial Advisory
It is important for any company to enable its clients to afford its solutions and services in the easiest way possible by offering optimal financing arrangements.
As a result, Techwave has financial specialists that work out viable financing options for our clients' products and services, as well as provide financial advise.
IT Strategy Consulting
More and more IT experts are of the opinion that, in today's fast IT environment, it's meaningless to think in terms of IT strategy because technology become obsolete so quickly. Corporate management, on the other hand, continues to pursue business plans, even in this fast-paced world. They seek to create a company and a business model that can adapt to market changes quickly. Do you believe this discrepancy will ever be resolved?
We say YES!
If you choose our IT strategy consulting service, we can assist you in developing a systemic technological, software, and application strategy that will serve as a guiding light for your IT specialists as they navigate the volatile sea of information technology for up to 3-5 years with minimal changes. We continue to monitor the most important IT development trends, and as part of our consulting service, we will assist you in developing the most successful IT strategy for your organisation.
Assume you're the CIO of a rapidly growing company or you operate in an atmosphere where it's a source of concern that IT systems soon become obsolete while their expenses continue to rise. Our IT strategy consulting service is ideal for you in that circumstance.

Strategic Consulting
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